End of season! |
The inaugural year has come to a close, in the B side championship had the Humdingers beat the Saturday Night Left Overs.
in the A championship the first place team all year Pump n Stone's Masonry Cue's Crew were able to maintain their elite status by beating Adrenaline.
It was close for a few innings but eventually the strong group of Cue's Crew capitalized on a few adrenaline errors and separated themselves from the competition.
Overall it was a fantastic season and many people got out of the house to play a great game!
Congrats to the team MVP'S:
Saturday Night Left Overs- Male-Scott Edge
Saturday Night Left Overs- Female-Loretta Smith
Humdingers- Male- Freddy Tonn
Humdingers-Female-Tammy Longland
Adrenaline-Male-Ritchie Whitton
Adrenaline-Female-Jackie Conn
Cue's Crew-Male-Dan Tevelde
Cue's Crew-Female-Tiffany Tinney
Pictures can be viewed in the image gallery!